(sum atriptan and naproxen sodium )
W h a t is th e m ost im p o rta n t in fo rm a tio n I should kn o w abo u t TREXIMET?
TRFXIMFT, w h ich contains sum a trip ta n and naproxen sodium {a nonsteroidal
a n ti-in fla m m a to ry d rug (NSAID)l, m ay increase the chance o f a h eart attack o r stroke
th a t can lead to death. I his chance increases:
• with longer use of NSAID medicines
• in people w h o have heart disease.
N SAID -containing m edicines, such as TREXIMET, should never be used rig h t before
or a fte r a heart surgery called a coronary a rte ry bypass g ra ft (CABG).
N SAID -containing m edicines, such as TREXIMET, can cause ulcers and bleeding in the
stom ach and intestines a t any tim e d u rin g tre a tm e n t. Ulcers and bleeding:
• can happen w ith o u t w a rn in g sym ptom s
• may cause death.
The chance o f a person g e ttin g an ulcer or bleeding increases w ith :
• the use o f m edicines called steroid horm ones (corticosteroids) and blood
thinners (anticoagulants)
• longer use
• m ore fre q u e n t use
• sm oking
• d rin k in g alcohol
• older age
• having p oor health.
TREXIMET is n o t recom m ended fo r people w ith risk factors fo r heart disease unless a
heart exam is done and show s no problem s.
The risk factors fo r heart disease include:
• high blood pressure
• high cholesterol levels
• smoking
• obesity
• diabetes
• family history of heart disease
• fem ale w h o nas gone th ro u g h menopause
• m ale over age 40.
"S erotonin syndrom e" is a serious and life -th re a te n in g problem th a t m ay occur w ith
TREXIMET. especially if used w ith antidepressant m edicines called selective serotonin
reuptake in h ib ito rs (SSRls) o r selective n o repinephrine reuptake in h ib ito rs (SNRIs).
C om m only used SSRls are:
• CELEXA*’ (citalopram HBr)
• LEXAPRO* (escitaloprarn oxalate)
• PAXIL* (paroxetine)
• PROZAC"/SARAFEMx (fluoxetine)
• SYMBYAX' (olanzapine/fluoxetine)
• LUVOX* (fluvoxam ine).
C om m only used SNRIs are:
• CYMBALTA* (duloxetine)
• EFFEXOR" (venlafaxine).
Call yo u r healthcare provid e r if yo u have sym ptom s o f serotonin syndrom e,
w hich include:
• m ental changes (hallucinations, a g ita tio n , coma)
• fast heartbeat
• changes in b lo o d pressure
• high body tem perature or sw eating
• tig h t muscles
• tro u b le w a lkin g
• nausea, vom iting, diarrhea.
TREXIMET should o n ly be used:
• exactly as prescribed
• a t the low est dose possible fo r your tre a tm e n t
• for the shortest time needed.
Do not take TRFXIMFT if you have taken other migraine medicines in the last
hours such as:
• ergotamine-contaimng medicine or
• another triptun medicine.
Before starting TRFXIMFT. tell your healthcare provider about:
• all of your medical conditions including kidney or liver problems
• all allergies to any medicines
• (host pain, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeats
• medicines you may take for migraines, depression, or other health problems such as
MAO inhibitors. SSRls, or SNRIs
• all the prescription and non-prescription medicines you take, including vitamins
and herbal supplements. Some medicines can interact with TREXIMET and cause
serious side effects.
Keep a list of your medicines to show to your healthcare provider.
Before starting TREXIMET. tell your healthcare provider if you:
• are pregnant, think you might be pregnant, or are trying to become pregnant.
TREXIMET should not be used by pregnant women late in their pregnancy.
• are breastfeeding
• have a headache that is different from your usual migraine
• have or have had epilepsy or seizures.
What are the possible side effects of TREXIMET?
Serious side effects include:
Other side effects include:
• heart attack
• pain, tightness, or
• heartbeat problems
pressure in the chest.
• stroke
neck, and throat
• high blood pressure
• stomach pain
• heart failure from body swelling (fluid retention)
• constipation
• kidney problems including kidney failure
• diarrhea
• bleeding and ulcers in the stomach and intestine
• gas
• low red blood cells (anemia)
• heartburn
• life-threatening skin reactions
• nausea
• life-threatening allergic reactions
• vomiting
• liver problems including liver failure
• dizziness
• asthma attacks in people who have asthma
• loss of blood circulation to areas of your body
• drowsiness
• tiredness
• serotonin syndrome (See list of symptoms in
• weakness
"What is the most important information
know about TREXIMET?")
• tingling and numbness
• unusual body sensations
• redness of face (flushed)
Get emergency help right away if you have any of the following symptoms:
• shortness of breath or trouble breathing
• chest pain
• swelling of the face or throat
• weakness in one part or on one side of your body
• slurred speech.
Stop TREXIMET and call your healthcare provider right away if you have any of the
following symptoms:
• nausea that seems out of proportion to your migraine
• stomach pain
• sudden/severe pain in your belly
• vomit blood
• blood in your bowel movement or it is black and sticky like tar
• itching
• skin rash or blisters with fever
• yellow skin or eyes
• swelling of the arms and legs, hands, feet, face, lips, or tongue
• unusual weight gain
• more tired or weaker than usual
• flu-like symptoms
• serotonin syndrome. See list of symptoms in "What is the most important
information I should know about TREXIMET?"
Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effects that bother you or do not
go away. These are not all of the side effects of TREXIMET. For more information ask
your healthcare provider.
TREXIMET already contains an NSAID (naproxen). Do not use TREXIMET with other
medicines to lessen pain or fever without talking to your healthcare provider first,
because they may contain an NSAID also.
TREXIMET is a prescription medicine used to treat migraine attacks in adults. It does
not prevent or lessen the number of migraines you have, and it is not for other types
of headaches. TREXIMET contains
medicines: sumatriptan and naproxen sodium (an
NSAID). This Medication Guide provides important information you need to know
before taking TREXIMET. It docs not take the place of talking with your healthcare
provider about your medical condition or your treatment.
How should I take TREXIMET?
• Take
TREXIMET tablet to treat your migraine headache. Do not take more than
TREXIMET tablets in
hours Doses should be separated by at least
• TREXIMET can be taken with or without food.
• Do not split, crush, or chew IKEXIMEI tablets.
• II you lake too much TREXIMET. tall the Poison Control Center at
Who should not take TRFXIMFT?
Do not take TREXIMET right before or after heart bypass surgery.
Do not take TREXIMET if you have or have had:
• uncontrolled high blood pressure
• hemiplegic or basilar migraine (Ask ynur doctor if yon are not sure what type of
migraine you have.)
• liver problems
• an asthma attack, hives, oi other allergic reaction with aspirin or any other NSAID
• a heart attack or a history or symptoms of heart disease (such as chest pain or
• a stroke*, mini stroke (transient ischemic attack or TIA), or other stroke like
• problems with blood circulation to parts of your body, such as less blood flow to
your intestines (ischemic bowel disease)
• allergic reactions to sumatriptan, naproxen, or other ingredients in TREXIMET.
Do not take TRFXIMFT if yoit takp or havp taken an antidepressant medicine called a
monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor within the last
weeks. Common MAO
inhibitors are isocarboxazid (MARPIAN4), phenelzine (NARDIL4), tranylcypromine
(PARNATE«), and selegiline (ELDEPRYL* EMSAM»). Ask your healthcare provider if
you are not sure if your medicine is an MAO inhibitor
Call your healthcare provider for medical advice about side effects. You may report
side effects at FDA at
How should I store TREXIMET?
• Store TREXIMET at room temperature,
° to 86°E (
° to
• Keep TREXIMET and all medicines out of the reach of children
General information about TREXIMET
• Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed in a Medication
Guide. Do not use TREXIMET for a condition for which it was not prescribed.
• Do not give TREXIMET to other people, even if they have the same problem you have.
It may harm them.
• This Medication Guide contains the most important information about TREXIMET. If
you would like more information, talk with your healthcare provider.
• You can ask your healthcare provider for information written for healthcare
• For more information call
(toll-free), or visit
What are the ingredients in TREXIMET?
Active ingredients: sumatriptan succinate and naproxpn sodium
Inactive ingredients: croscarmellose sodium, dextrose monohydrate, dibasic calcium
phosphate. FD&C Blue No.
, lecithin, magnesium stearate, maltodextrin, microcrystallme
cellulose, povidone, sodium bicarbonate, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, tali, and
titanium dioxide
This Medication Guide has been approved by the U.S. rood and Drug Administration.
IREXIMEI is a trademark of GlaxoSmithKline. and PAXIL and PARNAIE are registered
trademarks ol GlaxoSmithKline.
The other brands listed are Trademarks of their respective owners and are not trademarks
of GlaxoSmithKline. The makers of these brands are not affiliated with and do not
endorse GlaxoSmithKline or its products.
Research Triangle Park. NC
, GlaxoSmithKline. All rights reserved.
The GlaxoSmithKline Group of Companies
All rights reserved. Printed in USA. I MCI SI R
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